Special Offer-$12.50
Autographed books make great gifts!
The truth is, we all need tools that will energize us and propel us into the winner's circle. A Scout Is... with a forward by Zig Ziglar, captures the essence of Boy Scouting and the characteristics that continue to produce winners in life!
An impressive book that will:
- encourage your Scout to live out the values of the BSA,
- honor your Eagle Scout at his Court of Honor,
- say "thank you" to your Scout Leaders when given as a gift,
- honor those in your district and council who financially support the BSA
- and rekindle the values of the Boy Scouts of America in your life!
"Decades of Scouting experience and life lessons rolled up into one powerful book, Todd has brought to life the powerful impact of the BSA. Young or old, Scout or not, the inspirational lessons in this book will make a difference in your life"
~Pat Williams
Sr Vice President of the Orlando Magic